Michael resides with his wife, Jennifer, in Trophy Club, TX. They have assisted dozens of churches and ministers in the areas of leadership and organizational development after having served in a wide variety of ministry roles in prisons, missions, outreach programs, and the local church.

Michael and Jennifer have completed their two-year certification in the Spiritual Direction Training Program at Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University in Waco, TX. Michael is increasingly dedicated to a life of contemplation, vision, and spiritual direction.
My life and ministry have moved across several Christian traditions and faith streams. I am strongly committed to the local church and sense a deep call to serve pastors and leaders through the ministry of spiritual direction.
There have also been periods in my life when I described myself as “spiritual but not religious,” and I understand the feeling of being wounded by a local church. It is my heart to see believers of all backgrounds reconciled into respectful communion with one another.
In addition to my certification from Spiritual Direction Training Program at Truett Seminary, my education includes a Master of Practical Theology from The King’s University.
I look forward to helping you discern God’s presence and activity in your life.