I am currently booking spiritual direction sessions. Please see “What to Expect” below for a brief description of my approach. There is no charge or fee for any of these sessions; this work is my service to the Lord.

All sessions booked on-line will be confirmed by an e-mail that will contain a calendar invite and a Zoom link for the session. Please contact me to make arrangements if an in-person meeting is desired. Use the “Book a Session” button at the bottom of the page or visit https://ms-sd.net to reserve an available date and time.
What to Expect
Our first session together will be partly introduction and partly a sample session. We will get to know each other a little better at first, and I will be interested to hear if you have any specific reasons for seeking direction or goals you have in mind. After that, we will transition to give you a feel of how a typical session will go, so the next time we meet we can begin in earnest.
Each session typically lasts 45 minutes to one hour. I generally like to start with a brief time of silence to help us settle in and focus our attention on God and each other. Most often, I will then pray and ask you to begin with whatever you feel led to share. From there, I will primarily be listening to both you and the Holy Spirit, asking questions to facilitate the conversation. This is just a general pattern; every session, every conversation has its own unique pattern and flow. When led, we will read Scripture, make use of a few spiritual exercises or disciplines, and draw from the world of the arts and music. But mostly, we will spend our time in conversation, and then close with prayer.
I look forward to our sacred conversations.